Month: March 2019

Cloning Teams and Configuring Tabs via Microsoft Graph: Configuring the SharePoint and Files tabs

Cloning Teams and Configuring Tabs via Microsoft Graph: Configuring the SharePoint and Files tabs

Our blog post series is closing to the end. In this final blog post of the series, I will show you how you can automatically configure two SharePoint related tabs: the SharePoint tab itself and the Files tab.

Cloning Teams and Configuring Tabs via Microsoft Graph: Configuring the Planner tab

Cloning Teams and Configuring Tabs via Microsoft Graph: Configuring the Planner tab

We’ve already come quite far in this blog post series! We’ve got our team cloned and have already started configuring the tabs. The Planner tab is probably the easiest one to configure out of the tabs I’m covering in this blog post series. Still, there are some small things you should keep in mind and be aware of to get the most out of this process.